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Heat Treatment
Forgia Rapida can count on its in-house heat treatment plant.
This facility is suitable to perform all the common heat-treatment required, such as: quenching and tempering (water and polymers), normalising, annealing and solution annealing, precipitation hardening etc..
Calibration and inspections of all instruments is in compliance with international standards and specifications, including API 6A, ASMT A991, AMS2750E, and Norsok M650 among the others.
Being heat treatment a crucial part of the process, the in-house facility become very important in case of urgent requests: no matter the quantity, the plan can be rescheduled giving top priority to urgent orders, thanks to the flexibility and responsiveness of the company.
As a consequence, Forgia Rapida can offer the best lead-time on the market for not standards parts and in general, for all those parts that need a dedicated forging process.